Project Description
A proposal to view plants as important counterparts to our indoor lives. Supported Restoration theory that suggests increased states of attention with the introduction of plant life in our homes.
Research, / 2021
Role: Human
“Because urban environments often contain dramatically distracting stimulation (e.g., car horns, billboards: Bewrman et al., 2008) in such settings directed attention may need to be further recruited to block out that stimulation, thereby potentially exacerbating directed attention fatigue. Thus, in the most common theoretical characterization of ART, restorative nature experiences are assumed to be recovery effects: nature facilitates the replenishment of an initially depleted resource, i.e. directed attention."
— (Joye, Yannick, and Siegfried Dewitte. 2018)
Attention Restoration Theory presents the psychological restoration on cognitive function with exposure to nature. It has been shown that the effects of immersion in nature attributes to a stronger cognitive functioning even weeks after the experience within nature.
The theory surprisingly transcends the outdoors. When we look at a tree or the lichen of a stone, the benefits persist.
A Living Visualization
The life of vegetation proposes model to our own life as humans; the main difference being the pace at which life experience occurs. The growth and life of a plant, like humans, is structured on the passing of a day. The sunlight provided from our star reaches into windows and facilitates rising. This requires a subtle passing of time and rhythmically indicates the passing of a day, month or season.
Talking to Plants
Using the water within the roots of vegetation, a conversation is conducted and a moment of electric connection is made.